
Good morning! I hope you’re having a good October so far. I just got back from the excellent 5D Conference in Long Beach, and I have some totally unrelated good news for you: The Daily Monster Facebook app is ready! It’s called SEND A MONSTER and lets you scare all your Facebook friends with Daily Monsters. And these are all new Monsters, I’ll have you know. Twenty of them, with more to come as we get closer to Halloween. Exclusively available on Facebook.

I hope you’ll go check it out. Send a few Monsters to your unsuspecting victims. What better time than the days leading up to the great autumnal Spookinox! More seasonal Monster Goodness is coming your way very, very shortly.* For now, I hope you’re having a good Monday! And please, face facts: 344 LOVES YOU


Technical note: If the Facebook link comes up as “The page you requested was not found.” it’s an issue with too much traffic. Usually a refresh or two will do the trick.


Technical note postscript: I changed the links in the above post to something more reliable. The app itself works fine, but I initially picked the wrong URL to get to it. My apologies.


  • dp0
    6 October 2008 4:19 am

    Hi, awesome idea with the app. However, the link seems broken at the moment. Just figured i’d let you know.

  • 6 October 2008 7:48 am

    Aw man! I was so excited to start sharing monsters but it won’t go to the page…:(

  • 8 October 2008 8:39 am

    To my favorite monster maker,
    Happy birthday, Stefan!!

  • 12 October 2008 12:17 pm

    For shame, Stefan, I’ve been the very last holdout as far as facebook goes among my friends! Now I, too, must fall…but at least I’m taking monsters with me! 🙂 They’re terrific, thank you! And a belated happy birthday. 🙂

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