All protestations to the contrary, I do occasionally cave in to special requests — particularly when they arrive in multiples. Please say Hello to the 2010 Soccer World Cup Monster:

You can click on the drawing for a bigger view,
or click on the following links to download the Monster
as a wallpaper for your iPhone or iPad.

I realize, of course, that World Cup Fever is team specific, so I’ve left this Monster’s jersey, shorts, and shoes blank. I’m counting on you to download a letter-sized PDF version here, fill in your team colors, and
e-mail the result back to me.
I’m excited to see what you’ll come up with, and will post the results as they arrive! Make sure your favorite team is represented! Gooooal? Goal.


And here’s the first nationalized Monster by Katti, sporting the German team colors. Who’ll step up for the other teams?


    13 June 2010 11:46 am

    The shoes are fierce!! The snout, positively ferocious.
    The shorts, ab-so-lute-lee fabulicious!! The expression, so focused, so determined. The game? We watched………..a tie? Really?

  • Brigitte Prior
    13 June 2010 1:57 pm

    I hope he is supporting Germany…

  • 13 June 2010 1:58 pm

    Hit refresh, Brigitte. I just posted Katti’s version, who does.

  • 13 June 2010 2:01 pm

    That’s the magic of soccer. Or so I hear people gripe, anyway. I don’t care about ties. I just like to draw. (Ho ho ho.)

  • Brigitte Prior
    13 June 2010 2:03 pm

    Oh yes, excellent work, Katti. 🙂

  • Katti
    13 June 2010 2:51 pm

    Thanks Brigitte. Too bad I decided to choose Bastian Schweinsteiger as a colour model – maybe it was bad karma as well as he didn’t score a goal in that crazy match today 😉

  • 13 June 2010 10:31 pm

    RED shoes! ahhh… most absolutely fab!
    Ghana monster taking a short break from the victory high she’s–ahem, she plays soccer with the boys–been on since she kicked Serbia’s b** via penalty this morning.
    Coming your way tomorrow….

  • 14 June 2010 12:29 am

    Sweet! I’m looking forward to it!

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