16 January 2011LYNDA.COM MONSTER 09 PreviousNext THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS More Posts Like This One DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 218 23 December 2012 THE DAILY MONSTER™ PAPERS 18 31 December 2009 DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 323 24 October 2014 4 Comments Inanna16 January 2011 9:41 amOK….that IS my high school typing teacher. “jkl;” “jkl;”…….*L* I wish I could remember her name, but that is eons ago. Reply Stefan G. Bucher18 January 2011 12:57 pmAnd here I was thinking a Vermeer Monster, but I like that she looks like your typing teacher. (I should've taken that class. It's all hunt and peck for me.) Reply maddy25 January 2011 3:11 pmi go to deower and we go to art all week and are atr teacher and we are going to make monsters like suff like that. Reply maddy25 January 2011 3:16 pmi am sorry if i messed up on some of the words. ReplyLeave A Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
OK….that IS my high school typing teacher. “jkl;” “jkl;”…….*L*
I wish I could remember her name, but that is eons ago.
And here I was thinking a Vermeer Monster, but I like that she looks like
your typing teacher. (I should've taken that class. It's all hunt and peck
for me.)
i go to deower and we go to art all week and are atr teacher and we are going to make monsters like suff like that.
i am sorry if i messed up on some of the words.