31 January 2013DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 223 PreviousNext THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS More Posts Like This One THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 169 30 June 2011 THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 61 11 February 2010 THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 190 19 November 2011 2 Comments littlefluffycat31 January 2013 5:18 amSlide was hard to understand till you got used to his lisp, but was generally considered to be a pleasant and talented fellow. Reply Stefan G. Bucher3 February 2013 10:09 pmAwh… a little lisp is adorable, I think. :^) ReplyLeave A Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Slide was hard to understand till you got used to his lisp, but was generally considered to be a pleasant and talented fellow.
Awh… a little lisp is adorable, I think. :^)