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If you have a theory about this Monster,
please post a comment below! I’m looking forward
to your thoughts!
You can click on the drawing for a bigger view.
If you have a theory about this Monster,
please post a comment below! I’m looking forward
to your thoughts!
176 tried everything he could to fly. He wore tall pointy shoes to be that much closer to his goal. He styled his hair in the shape of a bird thinking it would make him more aerodynamic (or at least more popular with the lady birds). The birdbath he installed outside his three-story townhouse attracted quite a few birds, but they soon became too afraid to use it when 176 would lean out from his topmost window and come flailing down upon them. Dejected but well-bathed, 176 quietly crept back inside to watch the discovery channel from inside his custom-made gilded birdcage.
Always the practical joker and office funny man, Pete tried yet again to shock his co-worker with a bit of static electricity.
Oh, poor, intrepid, misguided 176! Build it and they will come, but jump and
they will also quickly disperse again. Thank you for the cool scenario,
Bill! I like it! :^)
Oh, yes! Fine work there, Eric! He's not reaching, he's transmitting! Cool!
A Tesla Monster!
My chimeric twin is peacocking.
This just sounds like secret agent code to me now. "My chimeric twin is
peacocking." "The Lords have gone to supper." "Very good. Come on in, Mr.
Franz couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t get more monsters to attend his yoga class.