Good morning. Now that my DSL connection has decided to cooperate for a few minutes, I can finally post last night’s monster. In a way it’s symbolic of my current tech suport woes. I hope you’re having a lovely day. Do please remember that 344 LOVES YOU
OOOOOooO I love it!!!!
It began with a pony, evolved into a soaring eagle, and will soon be going Gastropoda. Embracing the negative “Snail Mail” connotation, the USPS hopes to cash in on the moniker by trademarking the name.
The new mascot, Hes Cargot, is seen here. Cute little fellow, isn’t he?
You know what snails call everything else?
How can you savor life when you just dash dash dash?
For instance, I know the texture of the paper on which Mr. Stefan G. Bucher has drawn me. In fact, I know the texture of the texture, and so on, down to its molecular level.
How can I do this?
You call it slime. We call it Sensory Laminar Intimacy Magnifying Enhancer.
OK, I guess we call it SLIME too, but all capital letters. And we say it so slowly that it comes out as two syllables.
Anyway, SSS—Slime and Slow Speed—lets me know all about the paper, and the backs of the pixels on your display.
Abalone, Conches, Cowries, Limpets, Murexes, Slugs, Whelks, we’re all SNAILS! S for Slow, N for Numerous, A for Adaptable, I for Invasive, L for Land and S for Sea.
Wait, I didn’t just say Invasive, did I? I meant Important, of course.
Myself, I’m a Monster Snail. My ommatophores are big and limpid, I have antlers, a big head, one fine tooth and a rudder.
I’ve enjoyed our little chat. You seem pleasingly slow for a Quickie.
Lucy Nacktschnecke, Sonderbeauftragte für den interkulturellen Schneckendialog macht sich auf den Weg ein passendes Outfit für den alljährlich stattfindenden Schneckenkongress zu finden. Die Wimpern getuscht, die Haare punkig gestylt fühlt sie sich wie Lucy in the sky…
Beflügelt von der Vorfreude über ihren baldigen glamourhaften Auftritt, schleimt sie ihrem Ziel entgegen.
Here’s what I think the story is: Sammy was a snail monster and Sammy got a bad hairdo. And he wanted to get home fast to get if off. But snails are so slow.