Good morning. Another day, another monster. I hope you’ll have a peaceful weekend ahead. Greetings from Salt Lake City, Utah. Even from the road 344 LOVES YOU
Good morning. Another day, another monster. I hope you’ll have a peaceful weekend ahead. Greetings from Salt Lake City, Utah. Even from the road 344 LOVES YOU
This one is definitely creepy. I think it’s the t-shirt.
I like this one a lot. How do you do these “airbrushes”.. what do you call this technique ? Regards from Switzerland,
Hello kaykay.
Thank you for posting a comment. The technique is called “blown ink.” You just take a straw and blow on a drop of ink. It’s that simple. Greetings from California to Switzerland.
i think it blew it’s nose too hard
Hi Alex. I think you may be onto something. Isn’t that what our parents used to say? “Careful! If you blow your nose like that, it might get stuck that way.”
waaahaaa! not only is the monster great, but the comment posts are too! Also I love the attendant sounds…the scribbly sound especially, but the phone is good as well.
yeah i think maybe the phrase went “or your face’ll fall off!”
his name should be Churro
I love that you ignore the phone!
Glücklicher nasenloser Kerl!
Weder Allergien noch schlechte Gerüche quälen ihn. Gut fühlt er sich dabei trotzdem nicht, denn seinem wachsamen Auge entgeht nicht die Trauer seiner arbeitslosen Flimmerhärchen. Er startet den untauglichen Versuch ohne Maul zu pusten um wenigstens ein paar Nanopartikel oder Viren aufzuwirbeln. Die Möglichkeit mit dem Schwanz zu wedeln um einen Teilchenwirbel zu erzeugen, ist ihm nicht in den Sinn gekommen. Schade!
Das wiederum ist nicht weiter verwunderlich, denn ohne Öffnungen im Kopf wird die Hirnregion schlecht belüftet. Dadurch vermindert sich die Denkfähigkeit.
ewwwww! that was one helluva sneeze! someone get him a kleenex quick! hes drippin all over the place! cover your face next time dude! sheesh… mama didnt raise you right, thats whats wrong…